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Team leader helped assemble an effective team

The task

Our client works on an E-learning mobile app that helps prepare for a driver's license exam. The two main features include traffic simulation and adaptability to legislation of different countries.

The client contacted our company when the project was still at the MVP stage, and the request was as follows: to provide the services of an expert team leader who will assemble an effective team and lead these specialists in the process of further development of the application

Technology stack

Project type

Education, B2C

Cooperation period

August 2020 - in progress

Provided specialists

Senior Full-stack developer


We chose one of our most experienced developers with extensive expertise in creating mobile E-learning apps. With the help of this expert as a team leader, our client conducted many technical interviews and ended up with a great team of 3 frontend developers, 2 backend developers, 2 QA engineers, and DevOps.

The work continues under the leadership of our specialist, which includes lots of interactions (both with the team and the project manager), as well as the app’s architecture development and code optimization. As of today, the product is successfully operating in the international market, and the development team is engaged in further technical support and implementation of new features.

What we performed

Managing the development team

Project architecture development

Implementation of features

Load optimization

SEO optimization to increase conversions

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