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Conversions increased after app redesign

The task

The client approached us for a large-scale redesign of a platform that creates online bookstores integrated with Amazon. The application contains an admin panel and a client app; it allows to visualize cash flow and offers a wide range of functionality

The request was to provide the services of a UX/UI expert who could completely rethink the user interface and update the design in order to increase conversions.

Technology stack

Project type

E-commerce, B2C

Cooperation period

November 2021 – ongoing

Provided specialists

Senior level UI/UX Designer


We chose one of our experienced UX/UI designers whose expertise is related to the E-commerce and Fintech industries, and whose English fluency allows them to quickly join the client’s international team and benefit the project at all stages.

During the first three months, our designer has done a lot of work, showing close attention to detail and applying best practices to create the user interface for this type of application. Currently, our expert is involved in further development of the platform.

What we performed

Transferring the original design to Figma

Creating new pages

Completing app redesign

Adding customization

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