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Cryptocurrency statistics website in 6 weeks

The task

Our client needed an experienced frontend developer with specific competencies, such as implementing numerous charts and tables, configuring real-time data updates, etc. The project was an online portal that displays ratios of cryptocurrencies, provides explanations and performs crypto exchange. An additional difficulty was a tight deadline.

Technology stack

Project type

E-commerce, B2C

Cooperation period

December 2020 – January 2021

Provided specialists

Front-end developer


Within one business day, we selected a specialist whose qualifications match the client's request. After a successful technical interview, our developer got the cryptocurrency website design in Zeplin and started implementing it. Our specialist was given two months’ time but managed to complete the task much faster – in six weeks.

What we performed

Implementing ready-made design from Zeplin

Creating a landing page with change statistics

Configuring the swapping capability

Implementation of the liquidity feature for cryptocurrency pairs

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